Defence & Veterans
I served in the military and am a fourth-generation veteran, so I know the adversities faced by our veterans and their families. I continue to fight for our Defence and Veteran community to make sure the Government looks after our servicepeople and their families.
I fought to get a Royal Commission on Defence and Veteran suicide, and now I’m fighting to make sure the Federal Government runs it properly. This investigation must be broad and systemic so that it can give the vital recommendations we need to overhaul systems and enhance support to our veterans.
I’m working to get the promised Veterans’ Wellbeing Centre built and opened in Darwin. We have an interim centre, which is a great start, however we need a more holistic and better networked effort.
I’m also lobbying for veterans who are working to get their loyal Afghan interpreters issued humanitarian visas as a matter of urgency as the Taliban implements control.
I was proud to successfully stop the Federal Government from revoking Meritorious Unit Citations from more than 3,000 ADF personnel who served in Afghanistan. This was blaming 3,000 for the sins of a few.
I’m also pushing for our Somalia veterans to be acknowledged for their work with a Meritorious Unit Citation for their excellent work in that country almost 30 years ago.
And in Canberra, I’ve also been working with the Australian War Memorial to improve our telling of our nation’s World War II history, convincing them to upgrade their Bombing of Darwin and the War in The North exhibitions.